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July 15, 2021

Cubie Maths link in Zambia

Establishing a school maths link in Zambia

Reading Time: 2 minutes


For all the team here it has been great to be able to start a cubie maths link in Zambia. At the start of the year we reached out through friends to a school based in Zambia just outside the capital Lusaka.  We teamed up with a local teacher to deliver Cubie to year 1 age/ ability children.  The feedback that we received from the children, parents and teachers was overwhelming – the smiles speak for themselves.  

In Sub-Saharan Africa, education is seen as not just important but essential to get children and families out of poverty and into skilled jobs (we know that Cubie is aimed at the start of the educational journey but strong foundations set children up for all future learning). While the access and provision of education has increased, there is still such a way to go to help improve the participation of  education.

UNICEF has identified that the largest barrier to education in developing countries is the direct costs (e.g., fees, clothing, books).  To be able to supply Cubie to these children has been great. It has been lovely to see how important these resources are and how they will have a positive  impact on the children’s education.  We will continue to support this Cubie maths link in Zambia by partnering with the school and the local community by bringing the educational resources that they need in order to offer their children the best possible start. 
